Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blog Entry #5.9B Evaluation

Name of PSA: Bristol Palin on Abstinence

Target audience: Teens

Tag line: Pause before you play

Message: Think before you get ready to have sex. Use protection.

Sound used: Baby lullaby, Bristol Palin's voice and her baby

Visual imagery used: Her life with the fame and without which shows that she's only fortunate cause of her family but others do not have the support that she has.

Text used: The Candie's Foundation

How did you feel when viewing this PSA? What were your emotions? I felt sorry for her.

What action do you feel you need to take after viewing this PSA? Wait until I can support a child to have one.

What is one specific change that would make this PSA more effective? Explain that other people don't have what she has so they live a harder life.

Blog Entry #5.9A - Evaluation

Name of PSA: Brain on Drugs

Target audience: People under drug influence or people who are tempted to do drugs.

Tag line: Any Questions?

Message: Drugs will ruin your life.

Sound used: Glass breaking, a yelling teen, a smashed egg, breaking lights, objects falling.

Visual imagery used: The kitchen is used as an example of your family and how it would be effected if you had an addiction.

Text used: Partner for a Drug-Free America

How did you feel when viewing this PSA? What were your emotions? Makes me not want to do drugs even more.

What action do you feel you need to take after viewing this PSA? Talking to people who may have a drug problem and let them know the effect it has on the people around them.

What is one specific change that would make this PSA more effective? Show pictures of a happy family before someone developed a drug addiction. Then show the family in tears and in hardship cause of the addiction.

Thursday, April 8, 2010