Sunday, June 13, 2010

Blog Entry #5.2 - TV PSA 1

1. Campaign Title:
Hands-Only CPR

2. Advertisement Title:
Hand Walker

3. Web Address:

4. What was the target audience of the PSA?
Teens and children

5. What social benefit was promoted by the PSA?
More people will know how to react if someone were to collapse in the street. They would be able to help the person.

6. What was the "tag line" of the PSA?
Hands can do incredible things.

7. What organization sponsers this PSA?
American Heart Association

8. Describe what is shown/happens in the PSA.
A man is walking on his hands through out most of the video which shows how hands can do almost anything.

9. Describe what makes this PSA memorable.
The man walking down the steps on his hands in the beginning of the video.

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